Book Review: George R.R. Martin Presents: Wild Cards: Now & Then

“George R.R. Martin Presents: Wild Cards: Now And Then” Writer: Carrie Vaughn Artist: Renae De Liz Inker and Color Artist: Ray Dillon Book Designer and Letterer: Thomas Napolitano Wild Cards: The Drawing of Cards excerpt written by Paul Cornell, penciled by Mike Hawthorne and Enid Balám, inked by Adriano De Benedetto and Lee Townsend, colored by Ruth Redmond, and lettered by VC’s Cory Petit Published by Bantam Books and Available from Penguin Random House Review by Steve J. Ray Wild Cards: Now And Then is a brand new graphic novel based in an alternate reality and shared universe co-created by George R.R. Martin, the man behind the now legendary Game Of Thrones TV show, and the books that inspired them. This alone makes this book intriguing, but the writing, art, colors, design, and lettering by the amazing creative team would still make this volume an essential purchase, whether Martin’s name appeared on the cover, or not. I’ve not played the game, or read any o...