Jimmy Palmiotti and Superstar Artist Scott Hampton Present RAGE Fully Painted Graphic Novel on Kickstarter

Any serious comics fan will know the name Jimmy Palmiotti. He's a 30 year comics veteran, acclaimed inker and writer, co-founder of Event Comics, co-creator of Ash and Painkiller Jane and, alongside his wife Amanda Conner, one of the most successful and admired Harley Quinn writers of all time. He's also a written scripts for numerous TV and film projects, including Random Acts of Violence , Dead Space: Downfall , and Marvel Renaissance . He's also amazing with fans on social media, and one the most approachable, friendly and all-round nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing . Scott Hampton was one of the early pioneers of painted comics, and has delivered outstanding art for all the major comics companies. His works include, an issue of the original Books of Magic for DC, American Gods for Dark Horse (both with legendary writer Neil Gaiman), and Marvel Knights: Black Widow for Marvel. As you can imagine, hearing the news that these two...