The Patreon Fantastic! Fantastic Universes at your Service!

Article by Adam Ray It's a big day here for all you fine people in the Fantastic Nation. Short version, our Patreon is now live, and we'd be eternally grateful if you pledged what you could right here . Fantastic Universes has been committed to bringing high quality news, reviews, and positive opinion pieces across all of popular culture. Our love of comics is where we've started, but now we have a team that looks in depth at card gaming, PC gaming, tabletop fiction, hard hitting fiction, and that's only some of it! We've been looking hard at what we can do to expand, and the continued readership of everyone out there has been immense. We are so grateful to each and every read, like, and share. Now it's time to level up. Over on our Patreon, we have some truly great perks. Every Patron will get to see posts a whole week before they'd come out here. Depending on the article is, you can see some things a few days, or up to a week early. Those able to pledge ...