Review: Yondu #3

Artist: John McCrea
Colorist: Mike Spicer
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Review by Kendra Hale
**Spoiler Alert**
A Murder Most Foul
Yondu #3 is here, and boy am I grateful. The Cliffhanger from the previous issue was a nailbiter and I NEEDED information. The biggest things to come from it was more information as to what the Herald's Urn is, the murder of Zhala by Sav'rkk, and the opening of the Urn! Let's dig in.No Remorse
The issue opens up with the immediate aftermath of Yondu opening the Herald's Urn. both versions of Yondu find themselves on the decimated planet of Galador. There's immediate confusion as, like Serenity's Miranda, this planet shouldn't be here anymore. They locate the Urn and set out to gain it back, only to discover along the way they're not as alone as they thought. Not only are there survivors on the planet, but someone else too...For The Love Of Groot
I'm truly loving, not only the details, but the banter that's developing between the 2 Yondus. All the little explanations, slowly being revealed, really fill out the story nicely. For example, learning that the Centaurian whistle isn't just used to control their arrows, but also helps them be in better tune with the world around them. I'm loving all these little notes added to the lore by the writers.
The art is really nice in this issue and the fight scenes are very enjoyable. The covers have been incredibly eye-catching and absolutely work to draw you into the series. I always look forward to what this team has next and this issue is no exception.
Everyone loves a redemption arc and with Yondu #3 specific groundwork is laid. It remains to be seen if Yondu will allow future Yondu's words to affect him on any level, but it's clear that the ice is broken and they're hitting notes he'd rather they didn't. This is clear when it comes to the scenes with Zhala and the buyer.
Yondu #3 was the same quality as issue #2. What's to come next remains to be seen, but if the teaser is anything to go off of then we are getting the backstory of Yondu himself and that's exciting enough in itself.
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