Review: Harley Quinn #66
"The Trials Of Harley Quinn" - Conclusion
Review by Philip Clark
Harley’s finally completed all of the trials, and Harley Quinn #66 shows us how she deals with being given incredible cosmic powers. It all goes about as well as could be expected.
Harley finally becomes the Angel of Retribution, and gets closure with her mom. This issue is a little hectic, but really hits home with some great comedic moments.

It was nice to see Sam Humphries finish up two story arcs in one issue. The trials of Harley Quinn, and dealing with the death of her mother. What Harley does immediately after gaining incredible cosmic powers is something that only she could have done.
I love the way that Humphries handled the Lords of Chaos and Order, the way they bickered like an old married couple made perfect sense to me!
Then there’s the interaction between Harley had with her mom. I’ve loved their relationship from the very start, and seeing it come to an end is emotional. What I love about the way Humphries writes it, is that he adds humour to the situation. The page where the two of them are trying, and failing, to say goodbye made me crack a smile through my tears.

Right, so my biggest gripe with this issue is the fact that it seems to jump from one place to the next...There’s no real flow. I can understand that’s maybe how Humphries wanted it to feel, with the Lords of Chaos and Order, and Harley definitely leans into the chaos element of that. It just feels very jump cut to me.
In addition, Harley is the Angel of Retribution for all of thirty seconds before giving it up. I’d like to have seen her try to maintain the balance of the universe for at least a couple of issues, maybe by bringing back Jonni DC, and having the two zipping and zooming around the DC Universe.
I just think there was a lot of wasted potential there.

Overall, unfortunately a more average issue of Harley Quinn this time. I’ve been thoroughly impressed with the creative team’s work recently, but this issue just felt a little lacklustre. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it was definitely missing that special something that the other issues have had.
What Humphries does do very well however, is blend the drama with the comedy. Sami Basri's art lends itself to that as well; with the outlandish facial expressions during heavy emotional scenes. Hi-fi do another fantastic job with the bright, almost cartoony colours that are a staple of any Harley Quinn issue.
Where they go now though, is anybody's guess.
Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment
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