Review: Nightwing #47
Artists: Chris Mooneyham & Klaus Janson
Colours: Nick Filardi
Letters: Carlos M. Mangual
Review by Steve J. Ray
“THE BLEEDING EDGE: FINALE” Nightwing and Batgirl are on the attack. Two heroes from opposite sides of the technological spectrum are tackling the threat of Wyrm from different angles. Can Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon win when they can’t even fully trust what they see with their own eyes? What is the connection between Wyrm and Willem Coke? Some questions are answered in this blockbuster finale, but this story is just beginning!

Action, action, and more action. Wow, this issue is a thrill ride from cover to cover. Batgirl and the Eastern European mob in one corner, Nightwing fighting holographic monsters in the other… this is comics entertainment at its finest.
Writer Benjamin Percy has given us a thought-provoking threat, but hasn’t forgotten that comics are meant to be fun too. Yes there are intellectual insights aplenty in this whole story arc, but they don’t drag the reader down or interfere with the thrills and spills that these wonderful pieces of art are actually all about. Mr. Percy delivers philosophy without preaching, combined with pages which pack a punch. I’m loving his whole approach to Nightwing.

Artist Chris Mooneyham is on fire, this dude was born to do this. From mindless, morphing techno-drones, to swashbuckling action and scenes of psychological terror, Mr. Mooneyham’s art rocks. The preview pages attached to this review show just some of the stellar action in this book, but you need to buy the whole comic to witness vintage Nightwing on page 11 and a terrific splash on page 13. Here we get to see just why Wyrm is so obsessed with Dick Grayson, and just how pivotal and well connected Nightwing is to the entire DC Universe.
This issue’s pencils are 100% Chris Mooneyham, and that’s awesome as it feels much more cohesive than previous instalments. The art is also 100% Klaus Janson on inks; as an old school fan this for me is amazing news. I don’t think that there could be a more well matched pair than Mooneyham and Janson, as both of them bring out the very best in each other and their styles mesh beautifully. Check out pages 4 and 5 in this review, then go out and pick up the issue to see Batgirl kicking gangster butt to really see what I’m raving about.

Colorist Nick Filardi continues to impress with his total mastery of tone, use of light and bleeding/blurring of hues. Seriously, check out the earthy, organic blood reds in the psychological attack sequences and compare them to the cold blues where Nightwing’s battling the drones. All of it jolts the senses, and makes Mr. Mooneyham’s art shine all the brighter.
Letterer Carlos M. Mangual also deserves kudos. His titles, the credits and sound effects are all great. They don’t detract from or intrude upon the art, but subtly enhance everything that Messrs Mooneyham, Janson and Filardi have produced. Every THWOK, DOOSH and KUNCH is lovely, but Babs’ killer right-hook delivers a POW that Adam West would be proud of.
My niggles about guest artists in previous issues were minor ones, so seeing the full-time team firing on all thrusters this issue made me really happy. This time I have no complaints. The one thing that’s killing me, though, is that cliffhanger! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!? This may have been the final chapter of “The Bleeding Edge” but the battle between Nightwing and Wyrm looks like it has only just begun.
This issue was great, and really left me wanting more. Isn’t that what comics are all about? The new creative have really found their voices, and the audience is receiving some sweet, sweet music.
Next track, please!
Images Courtesy Of DC Entertainment
(This review was originally published on the DC Comics News website on August 1st 2018)
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